Spread New MexicoSan Diego State+1.5 +135 +2.0 +130 +2.5 +120 +3.0 +105 +4.0 -125 +4.5 -130 +5.0 -135 +5.5 -145 -1.5 -180 -2.0 -170 -2.5 -160 -3.0 -135 -4.0 -105 -4.5 EVEN -5.0 +105 -5.5 +110
Spread - First HalfNew MexicoSan Diego State-2.5 +150 -1.5 +140 -0.5 +130 +0.5 +105 +1.5 -105 +3.0 -125 +3.5 -145 +4.0 -160 +2.5 -200 +1.5 -185 +0.5 -170 -0.5 -135 -1.5 -125 -3.0 -105 -3.5 +110 -4.0 +120
Total Points OverUnder66.066.567.067.568.569.069.570.0 -150 -145 -130 -125 -110 EVEN +105 +110 +115 +110 EVEN -105 -120 -130 -135 -145
To Score 3 or more Touchdowns Passing Touchdowns Will be Credited to the Receiver not the Passer for Wager Purposes. Others on request
Game Specials Passing Touchdowns will be credited to the receiver not the passer for wagering purposes. Others on request.
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