Spread Promitheas PatrasDerthona Basket Tortona+4.0 +125 +4.5 +120 +5.0 +110 +5.5 EVEN +6.0 -105 +7.0 -130 +7.5 -135 +8.0 -150 +8.5 -160 +9.0 -170 -4.0 -180 -4.5 -170 -5.0 -155 -5.5 -140 -6.0 -135 -7.0 -110 -7.5 -105 -8.0 +105 -8.5 +115 -9.0 +120
Spread - First HalfPromitheas PatrasDerthona Basket Tortona+2.5 EVEN +3.0 -110 +4.0 -130 +4.5 -140 -2.5 -140 -3.0 -130 -4.0 -110 -4.5 EVEN
Total Points OverUnder156.0156.5157.0157.5158.0159.0159.5160.0160.5161.0 -155 -150 -140 -135 -125 -110 -105 EVEN +105 +110 +110 +105 EVEN -105 -115 -130 -135 -140 -150 -155
3-Way Moneyline - First HalfPromitheas Patras - 1H +170 Tie - 1H +1400 Derthona Basket Tortona - 1H -200
3-Way Moneyline - 1st QuarterPromitheas Patras - 1Q +155 Tie - 1Q +1100 Derthona Basket Tortona - 1Q -162
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